Agricultural Products Graders and Sorters

Information Technology > Agricultural Products Graders and Sorters > Overview
Agricultural Products Graders and Sorters

Agricultural Products Graders and Sorters - Overview

Agricultural products graders and sorters examine products such as fruits, vegetables, and textiles. They assign items to quality levels before they are sold to the public.

Agricultural products graders and sorters organize products by traits such as size, weight, appearance, and color. They may weigh fruits and vegetables on scales to help determine their grade. They may use microscopes to analyze the small fibers of textiles, such as cotton.

Graders and sorters group the very best products together, the second-best products together, and so on. They grade these groups and place a sticker or tag on the products to show their quality grades. They may also record these grades on a sales sheet or shipping and receiving form.

Graders and sorters make sure that only certain grades of products reach the public. They pick out and discard products that are damaged or otherwise unacceptable so they will not be sold to the public. Manufacturers often sell different grades of the same product to the public.

Source: Illinois Career Information System (CIS) brought to you by Illinois Department of Employment Security.