
Information Technology > Cardiographers > Preparation
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Cardiographers - Preparation

To work as a cardiovascular technologist or technician, you typically need to:

  • have a high school diploma or equivalent; and
  • have at least an associate degree.

Education after high school

Both associate and bachelor's degree programs are available in cardiovascular technology. Most people complete the associate program. In these programs, you spend the first year studying anatomy, biology, and chemistry. During the second year, you learn how to do many types of procedures. If you have a degree in a related health care field, such as nursing, you may need to complete only the second year of training.

Many EKG technicians receive training on the job. However, a one-year certificate is also available. In this program, you learn how to do basic stress testing, EKGs, and Holter monitoring. Professional-technical schools, two-year colleges, and hospitals offer this program.

On-the-job training

Most EKG technicians receive training on the job. EKG supervisors or cardiologists lead the training. This type of training takes anywhere from two to six months.

Military training

Some branches of the military train people to be cardiopulmonary technicians. Training lasts 26 to 30 weeks, depending on your specialty. Further training occurs on the job.

Source: Illinois Career Information System (CIS) brought to you by Illinois Department of Employment Security.