Dental Hygienists

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Dental Hygienists

Dental Hygienists - Preparation

To work as a dental hygienist, you typically need to:

  • have a high school diploma or equivalent;
  • complete a dental hygiene program; and
  • pass a state licensing exam.

Education after high school

Most dental hygiene programs take two years to complete and grant an associate degree. Some four-year programs grant a bachelor's or master's degree. Programs are available at professional-technical schools, colleges, and dental schools.

In a dental hygiene program, you study anatomy, radiology, and nutrition. You also learn how to use dental tools and equipment. During training, you get hands-on experience working with patients in a clinic.

About half of the programs require applicants to complete at least one year of college.

On-the-job training

Some employers provide additional training to new hygienists. Training often lasts up to three months.

Military training

Some branches of the military train people to be dental specialists. Training lasts from nine to 14 weeks, depending on your specialty. Additional training occurs on the job.

Source: Illinois Career Information System (CIS) brought to you by Illinois Department of Employment Security.