
Information Technology > Decorators > Preparation

Decorators - Preparation

To work as an interior designer, you typically need to:

  • have a high school diploma or equivalent; and
  • have a bachelor's degree in interior design.

Education after high school

In the past, interior designers needed at least an associate degree in interior design. However, most now receive a bachelor's degree. There are more than 120 approved programs in interior design in the United States and Canada. These programs are usually located in schools of art, architecture, or home economics. An associate degree generally takes two years to complete and a bachelor's degree takes four.

You usually need to complete one year of basic art and design courses to qualify for a bachelor's degree program in design. You may be asked to submit drawings or a portfolio as examples of your artistic ability.

Work experience

Interior designers also prepare for their work by developing a portfolio. A portfolio is a collection of your best work. It demonstrates your skills to clients or employers. A portfolio includes hand drawings, computer images, photos, and print samples.

On-the-job training

Beginning designers usually receive on-the-job training. As you gain experience, you work on more difficult tasks. You receive this training after you complete your internship. It can last another one to three years.

Source: Illinois Career Information System (CIS) brought to you by Illinois Department of Employment Security.