Certified Occupational Therapists

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Certified Occupational Therapists

Certified Occupational Therapists - Preparation

To work as an occupational therapist, you typically need to:

  • have a high school diploma or equivalent;
  • have a bachelor' degree;
  • have a master's degree in occupational therapy; and
  • have a license.

Education after high school

Occupational therapists are required to have a master's degree. Thus, you must complete a four-year bachelor's degree program and a two-year master's degree program. Your undergraduate degree does not have to be in occupational therapy. Many occupational therapists have a bachelor's degree in biology, psychology, sociology, anthropology, or anatomy.

In these programs, you study anatomy, physiology, and medical terminology. You also learn occupational therapy skills. You also spend six months working with patients. An experienced occupational therapist supervises your work.

Work experience

Volunteer experience in hospitals or nursing homes is helpful when applying to college.

On-the-job training

Many employers offer short-term, on-the-job training to orient you to procedures and policies. This training usually lasts a month or less.

Military training

The military does not provide the initial training for occupational therapists. However, it can provide work experience.

Source: Illinois Career Information System (CIS) brought to you by Illinois Department of Employment Security.