Information Technology > PA > Preparation

PA - Preparation

To work as a physician assistant, you typically need to:

  • have a high school diploma or equivalent;
  • graduate from a physician assistant program; and
  • have a license.

Education after high school

Physician assistants typically need a master's degree. Most applicants to PA programs already have a bachelor's degree and some health-related work experience. Schools of allied health, medical schools, or four-year colleges offer physician assistant programs. In these programs you study anatomy, biochemistry, and medications. You also learn about primary care medicine, surgery, and home health care.

On-the-job training

Near the end of your training you get supervised work experience. You work in many different departments of a hospital or clinic. Experienced physicians supervise your work. These rotations often lead to permanent jobs.

Working as a registered nurse is a great way to gain experience for this occupation.

Military training

Some branches of the military train people to be physician assistants. Training lasts about 40 weeks. Additional training occurs on the job. The military also offers work experience for those who received their degree as a physician assistant from a source other than the military.

Source: Illinois Career Information System (CIS) brought to you by Illinois Department of Employment Security.