Cab Drivers

Information Technology > Cab Drivers > Overview
Cab Drivers

Cab Drivers - Overview

Taxi drivers and chauffeurs transport passengers to and from their homes, work places, and other locations.

Taxi drivers transport people between home, work, and recreational activities.

Taxi drivers

Taxi drivers spend much of their time looking for people needing a taxi, or fares. They pick up passengers at taxi stands or at airports or train stations. They may pick up passengers at prearranged meeting places. The taxi company dispatches drivers to these locations over the radio or cell phone.

Taxi drivers help passengers into the cab and load their luggage. They drive passengers to their destination. They compute the fare from the taximeter.

Taxi drivers may perform minor maintenance on their taxi to ensure it is running correctly. They record information about the cab and about fares on a trip sheet. Self-employed drivers clean, maintain, and repair their own cabs.

Some taxi drivers transport people with special needs, such as those with disabilities and the elderly. They drive vans with special equipment. Sometimes they perform errands for customers, such as carrying mail to and from the post office. Some drivers deliver cars to customers from rental agencies or repair shops.


Many chauffeurs drive customers in large vans between hotels and airports or train stations. Others drive luxury cars to business or social events. Some provide full-time transportation to families or private firms.

Chauffeurs drive:

  • Limousines
  • Vans
  • Private cars
Source: Illinois Career Information System (CIS) brought to you by Illinois Department of Employment Security.