Cultural Geographers

Information Technology > Cultural Geographers > Preparation
Cultural Geographers

Cultural Geographers - Preparation

To work as a geographer, you typically need to:

  • have a high school diploma or equivalent; and
  • have at least a bachelor's degree in geography.

Education after high school

You need at least a bachelor's degree in geography to become a geographer. Many geographers have a master's degree in geography. As a student you should also take courses in economics, history, and urban studies. Map reading courses are also important. Computer courses are important for people who want to use or create digital maps. Most colleges and universities have bachelor's programs in geography.

You need a doctoral (PhD) degree to teach geography at a college. Many colleges and universities offer advanced degrees in geography.

Work experience

Working as a research assistant for a geographer is good experience for this field. Look for this kind of work when you are a college student.

On-the-job training

Some students complete an internship while in school. This is important work experience for finding a job.

Depending on your employer, you may receive training on your first job. The length of training varies by employer, but may last up to one year.

Source: Illinois Career Information System (CIS) brought to you by Illinois Department of Employment Security.