
Information Technology > Biographers > Preparation

Biographers - Preparation

To work as a historian, you typically need to:

  • have a high school diploma or equivalent;
  • have a bachelor's degree; and
  • have a master's degree in history.

Education after high school

Many historians have a master's degree or higher in history. However, research assistants usually need only a bachelor's degree. As a student you study different areas of history, such as medieval, American, or world history. When you earn an advanced degree you focus on one area of history. You learn how to find, document, and write reports about important pieces of historical information.

To teach history at a university, you will need a doctoral (PhD) degree. Most colleges and universities offer degrees in history.

Work experience

Working as a research assistant for a historian is good experience for this field. Look for this kind of work when you are a college student.

On-the-job training

Some students complete an internship while in school. This is important for finding a job. Working as an intern with an archivist or at a historical society provides good work experience.

Source: Illinois Career Information System (CIS) brought to you by Illinois Department of Employment Security.