Mechanic and Repairer Helpers

Information Technology > Mechanic and Repairer Helpers > Overview
Mechanic and Repairer Helpers

Mechanic and Repairer Helpers - Overview

Mechanic and repairer helpers help experienced mechanics complete maintenance tasks.

Mechanic and repairer helpers assist mechanics to repair cars and industrial machinery. They also help mechanics who repair electrical and electronic equipment.

Helpers prepare work stations so that mechanics and repairers can do their work. They transfer tools, parts, and supplies to and from work stations. They position vehicles, machinery, and equipment that need to be repaired. For example, they might raise a car on a hydraulic lift.

Helpers also examine and test equipment and parts to find defects or to be sure they work properly.

Mechanic helpers take apart equipment that is not working properly. This may require that they disconnect wiring or tubing. Helpers sometimes hold or pass parts or tools to other workers.

After repairs are complete, mechanic helpers may put the equipment back together. In addition, they clean work areas and clean and lubricate tools.

Helpers sometimes perform simple repair or maintenance tasks. They may clean and oil equipment parts or components. They may apply protective coatings to prevent corrosion. They may prepare replacement parts and install them.

Source: Illinois Career Information System (CIS) brought to you by Illinois Department of Employment Security.