Financial Planners

Information Technology > Financial Planners > Overview
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Financial Planners

Financial Planners - Overview

Securities salespeople buy and sell securities or offer financial services.

Securities salespeople are also called brokers or stockbrokers. They advise people on investments based on the client's need and financial status.

Brokers who are financial planners usually work with individuals. To develop a plan, they interview clients about their finances and goals. After analyzing this information, brokers discuss the best options with clients. They create a client portfolio. Portfolios may include stocks, bonds, mutual funds, or other investments.

Sakespeople explain stock market terms and trading practicies to clients. They answer any questions clients have. Securities salespeople keep detailed records of transactions and prepare regular financial reports. They also review trades for accuracy and ensure that trading rules were followed.

Securities salespeople monitor economic trends. They analyze stock market conditions to determine the best times to buy and sell. They read corporate reports and compute stock ratios to determine what stocks are good buys. They also analyze stocks in order to monitor their clients' accounts.

Securities salespersons also work to find new clients. They may call people from a list of potential clients or network by joining social groups. Others rely on referrals from other clients.

Source: Illinois Career Information System (CIS) brought to you by Illinois Department of Employment Security.