Medical Laboratory Technologists

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Medical Laboratory Technologists

Medical Laboratory Technologists - Overview

Medical laboratory technologists conduct complex tests to help detect, diagnose, and treat diseases.

Physicians order laboratory tests to help them figure out what is wrong with patients. Lab technologists run tests using samples of body fluids, cells, or tissues. Technologists study blood samples to count the number of cells and determine the blood type.

Sometimes technologists use samples to prepare slides. The slides are examined under a microscope. Technologists also run tests to chemically analyze samples. They examine the samples to see if they are abnormal or diseased. They look for organisms, such as bacteria, that would indicate an infection.

For other tests, technologists grow cell cultures. They make sure cells are grown in the right temperature and medium, such as agar.

After tests are run, technologists record, evaluate, and send results to physicians or medical researchers. They also talk to pathologists if abnormal cells are found.

Medical technologists use several types of equipment to run tests. They make sure that equipment is maintained and calibrated to ensure accurate results. Technologists may set up and run programs to calibrate equipment.

Medical technologists perform more complex lab tests and often supervise and train other laboratory workers, including assistants and medical laboratory technicians.

Medical technologists may specialize in areas such as:

  • Blood bank technology to determine correct blood types for transfusions
  • Microbiology to identify bacteria and other disease organisms
  • Cytotechnology to identify abnormal cells such as cancer
  • Histotechnology to identify disease in tissues
Source: Illinois Career Information System (CIS) brought to you by Illinois Department of Employment Security.