Medical Laboratory Technologists

Information Technology > Medical Laboratory Technologists > Preparation
Medical Laboratory Technologists

Medical Laboratory Technologists - Preparation

To work as a medical laboratory technologist, you typically need to:

  • have a high school diploma or equivalent; and
  • have a bachelor's degree.

Education after high school

Medical laboratory technologists usually have a bachelor's degree in medical technology or a life science. These programs include courses in chemistry, biology, and statistics. You also learn to conduct and supervise complex medical tests. Hospitals and four-year colleges offer training programs.

A few medical lab technologists do not have a bachelor's degree. Instead, they have a combination of formal training, on-the-job training, and special training.

On-the-job training

Many employers offer some hands-on training when you are first hired. This usually lasts up to six months.

Military training

Some branches of the military train people to be medical laboratory technicians. Training lasts 12 to 36 weeks, depending on your specialty. Additional training occurs on the job.

Source: Illinois Career Information System (CIS) brought to you by Illinois Department of Employment Security.