Addictions Counselors

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Addictions Counselors

Addictions Counselors - Preparation

To work as an addictions counselor, you typically need to:

  • have a high school diploma or equivalent; and
  • have a bachelor's degree.

Education after high school

You need at least a high school diploma to work as an addictions counselor. Educational requirements range from a high school diploma to a master’s degree, depending on the setting, type of work, state regulations, and level of responsibility. 

Most universities offer degrees in human services fields such as psychology, sociology, and social anthropology. Some degree programs also offer a focus on addictions treatment. Programs are also available at professional-technical schools and two-year colleges. These programs teach you counseling skills. You also learn about drug and alcohol pharmacology. Programs also include education on HIV and AIDS risk assessment.

Many addictions counselors have a master's degree. Some universities offer master's programs in addiction counseling. Most offer advanced degrees in various human services fields of study. These programs take one to two years of full-time study after you have a bachelor's degree. You should take classes that develop your skills in clinical assessments, caseload management, and counseling. After graduate school, you spend two years in an internship. As an intern, you work with clients, but are supervised by an experienced counselor.

Addictions counselors may need to obtain certification in CPR and first aid. This training is available in most communities through the Red Cross and local hospitals.

Work experience

Part-time or volunteer work at a social service agency is good background for this occupation.

On-the-job training

Employers often provide training to new addictions counselors. They may allow you to work while you get your state or local certification. You will also be trained in the operational procedures of the new facility and its treatment program. Training generally lasts up to a year.

Military training

The military trains people to work as caseworkers and counselors. This training lasts from eight to ten weeks. Further training occurs on the job and through advanced courses.

Some military counselors focus on drug and alcohol-related issues.

Source: Illinois Career Information System (CIS) brought to you by Illinois Department of Employment Security.