Remote Sensing Scientists and Technologists

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Remote Sensing Scientists and Technologists

Remote Sensing Scientists and Technologists - Wages & Trends

Wages vary by employer and area of the country. The individual's specialty and level of experience and responsibility also affect wages. Those who have supervisory duties usually earn higher wages.

Remote sensing scientists and technologists who work full time usually receive benefits. Typical benefits include sick leave, paid vacation, and health insurance. Some employers also provide a retirement plan. 


Physical scientists, all other (SOC 19-2099)
Pay Period
Illinois Hourly $36.74 $48.45 $68.08
Yearly $76,418 $100,783 $141,606
    Champaign Area Hourly $24.64 $32.28 $40.37
Yearly $51,261 $67,149 $83,973
    Cook County Hourly $39.12 $54.12 $68.09
Yearly $81,372 $112,577 $141,628
    Dekalb-Elgin-Aurora Area Hourly $39.16 $47.09 $85.65
Yearly $81,451 $97,945 $178,162
    Lake County Hourly $47.47 $52.86 $68.48
Yearly $98,723 $109,941 $142,448
United States Hourly $39.04 $53.98 $71.36
Yearly $81,210 $112,280 $148,430

Source: Illinois Career Information System (CIS) brought to you by Illinois Department of Employment Security.