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Submit Success Stories

September 1, 2023

​Share program and customer Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) success stories.  If you are part of a special program carried out through Illinois workNet you can use the success story as well. You and your customers can submit your success stories to this site.

Once they have been approved, success stories appear on Illinois workNet and WIOA Works for Illinois. Visit the Success Stories page to see what they look like.

To submit a success story for your customer, follow these steps:

  1. Review the Guide for Writing Your Customer’s Success Story.
  2. Log into your Illinois workNet partner account.
  3. Go to the Submit a Customer Success Story page and type in your customer’s Illinois workNet username. Then click “Search.”
  4. Write and submit your story using the interface that follows.

Success Story Writing Tips

The most effective stories are written by the youth and employers that the program directly impacted. These stories convey, in their own voice, how the program helped them and the value of the program. Additionally, a photo adds interest and visual appeal while demonstrating the diversity of the people the program served.

You should include the following in a good success story:

Situation and/or background
  • What is the name of the program?
  • What is your background?
  • What were you trying to achieve?
  • Why is this program important to the people of Illinois?
Program activities that led to your success
  • What action(s) did you take?
  • What positive change occurred?
  • How do you measure your success?
  • What are the details of your new job, career, plans for the future, etc.?
Finishing Touches
  • Avoid repetition and excessive personal details.
  • Proofread the story.
  • Include a photo (see the infographic above for photo tips).
  • Keep headlines short (10 words or less).
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