The Path of a Restaurant Owner Story Image

The Path of a Restaurant Owner

Xueyun Rachel Liang began... +
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Name: Xueyun Rachel
Date: 01/18/2024
Career Pathway: Agriculture, Food and Natural resources
Program: JTED
Location of Service: 60616-2627

Xueyun Rachel Liang began her journey in the restaurant industry by working as a waitress in a Chinese restaurant. She has worked as a waitress for many years, gaining foundational restaurant industry experience. Although she has been a great employee, she has always aspired to have her own restaurant business one day. Rachel discovered the Chinese Restaurant Upskill Job Training Program and was eager to join because she wanted to learn more about the restaurant industry. This would help her build more skills that would be practical for her as a restaurant owner. Rachel mentioned that through the program, she has learned many topics that she has been unable to know through her everyday life. For instance, she now has better knowledge of restaurant management, food safety, nutrition, and obtaining additional culinary skills. After completing the training program, Rachel successfully met her goal. She opened her restaurant with great confidence and looks forward to continuing to use all the skills and knowledge she has acquired.

D214 Student Apprenticeship with Northwest Community Hospital Story Image

D214 Student Apprenticeship with Northwest Community Hospital

Hersey student Riya works... +
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Employer Name: Northwest Community Hospital
Date: 01/17/2024
Career Pathway: Health Science
Program: JTED
Location of Service: 60005-2349

Hersey student Riya works with actual patients through her apprenticeship with Northwest Community Hospital. Learn more about our apprenticeship program here.

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