From Trainee to Employee

Creation Date: 04/17/2024

Name: Frankie Amos
Career Pathway: Other Services (Except Public Administration)
Location of Service: 60155-4052
Program: JTED
Organization: A Safe Haven Foundation

Program Details

Impacted Geographical Area: State (Illinois)

Frankie joined A Safe Haven’s Landscape training program in 2022. After much hard work and dedication, Frankie has seen that this pattern leads to success. Starting as a groundskeeper gave him the skills to prosper on the job. Because the training program offers integrated education and training, Frankie learned landscaping skills and received tools and training on how to be a successful employee, retain employment, and other skills that would make him an asset to his employer. One of the JTED program components is career counseling and transition services, where he meets with his career navigator to set goals and focus on finding employment. One goal he set and completed is the Illinois Pesticide training class.
Another goal that he set was to find employment. Frankie was recently hired as a supervisor with the Landscape Department and will be in charge of his crew. After two hard years of training, he has the tools to sustain employment and a living wage, which benefits his family and the community. The program hopes his success story will inspire other trainees, using the resources to take them from trainee to employee.