Policy Chapters and Sections

One-Stop Center Certification

Chapter: 1 Section: 8
Effective Date: 3/4/2020
Expiration Date: Continuing
Published Date: 2/20/2024 11:18:38 AM
Status: Current
Version: 6

Tags: One-Stop, LWIBs, IWIB, Governance

The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) requires State workforce development boards, in consultation with chief local elected officials and local workforce development boards, to establish objective criteria and procedures to certify local one-stop centers.  This policy describes the requirements and procedures for evaluating and certifying one-stop centers in Illinois under WIOA.

The network of one-stop centers created under WIOA, branded nationally as the American Job Center (AJC) network, includes approximately 3,000 one-stop centers nationwide that provide central points of contact for job seekers and employers to access employment and training services.  Six (6) core programs must be delivered through comprehensive one-stop centers:  Title I Youth, Adult and Dislocated Worker, Title II Adult Education and Literacy, Title III Wagner-Peyser, and Title IV Vocational Rehabilitation.  These partner programs, and other required partners identified in WIOA, ensure that employers and all job seekers have access to information and services that lead to positive educational and employment outcomes.

Illinois’ one-stop certification policy requires an evidence-based system of effective service delivery, physical and programmatic accessibility, and pursuit of continuous improvement opportunities.  The certification process ensures that local workforce innovation boards (LWIBs) oversee the delivery of employment and training programs in their communities and support high levels of effectiveness and sustainability. 

This process also requires assurance that implementation of the non-discrimination and Equal Opportunity provisions of WIOA Section 188 has been met through compliance with the Nondiscrimination Plan and completion of an Accessibility Report (ADA Facilities Monitoring Checklist) annually.

  1. LWIBs must certify all sites designated as comprehensive, affiliate, or specialized one-stop centers as defined under the One-Stop Delivery System Under WIOA section of the policy manual.
    1. LWIBs are encouraged to develop their own written one-stop certification procedures, consistent with Federal and State guidance, to ensure consistency and transparency in the local certification process.
    2. This policy should address the frequency of certification, a certification schedule, certification criteria, continuous improvement, and timelines for the review and/or revocation of certification and the appeals process.
  2. As part of the local one-stop certification process, noteworthy practices and improvement opportunities will be identified.  This information will be compiled and shared as a continuous improvement resource to be made available to all one-stop centers.