Policy Chapters and Sections

NRP Administration and Oversight

Chapter: 7 Section: 4.1.4
Effective Date: 8/29/2007
Expiration Date: Continuing
Published Date: 11/22/2016 10:51:02 AM
Status: Current
Version: 1

Tags: Needs-Related Payments, Supportive Services, Services

  1. Each LWIA is required to specify in their written NRP policy how they will document the requirements for and payments from this program.
  2. LWIAs are required to maintain the following documentation on each eligible NRP recipient:
    1. A copy of a UI entitlement decision or confirmation of UI benefits being exhausted;
    2. A copy of request for training classes for each period of training (quarter, semester, block, class, etc.);
    3. Verification of enrollment/registration, participation, grades, and completion of training classes (confirmation from Registrar’s office and course instructor);
    4. A signature by the participant attesting to his/her understanding of NRP requirements and instructions;
    5. All eligibility determinations must be documented; and
    6. A comprehensive reporting system of all NRPs.

Lower Living Standard Income Level (LLSIL)

WIOA Final Rules, Part 680, Subpart G - Supportive services

WIOA Section 134 - Adult and Dislocated Worker Employment and Training Activities, Use of funds

Incident Reporting

Poverty Guidelines for Determining Amounts of Needs-Related Payments

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