Policy Chapters and Sections

Assistance Listing – Department Accounting and Reporting System

Chapter: 8 Section: 7.3
Effective Date: 7/2/2018
Expiration Date: Continuing
Published Date: 6/16/2022 9:02:01 AM
Status: Current
Version: 3

Tags: Coding, Fiscal Reporting and Accountability, Administration, Fiscal

  1. Each program year, OET will furnish grantees with the percentages for each funding stream to allocate expenditures to each funding stream for statewide activity grants.
  2. Grantees can allocate program income in the same format as above, and/or direct charge the funding stream which earned the program income.
    1. Interest income must always be allocated to the three (3) funding streams utilizing Screen 371 within the Department's accounting system.
    2. The base to use for this allocation for your formula grants is the percentage of each funding stream share as compared to the total formula allocation.
    3. Screen 371 for each subgrant number is now comprised of three (3) subgrant IDs.
    4. These subgrant IDs consist of one (1) alpha character - A for Adult, D for Dislocated Worker, and Y for Youth.
    5. Grantees will have to input the grant number and then tab over to the new subgrant ID field and put in one (1) of the above characters.