Policy Chapters and Sections

Employment Related Provisions

Chapter: 10 Section: 5.7
Effective Date: 2/15/2019
Expiration Date: Continuing
Published Date: 9/9/2020 11:38:06 AM
Status: Current
Version: 2

Tags: EO, Disability, Equal Employment Opportunity, Nondiscrimination, NDP, NDP

  1. The Illinois WIOA program requires its recipients to promote employment opportunities for individuals with disabilities and encourages its recipients to consider qualified individuals with disabilities for their job openings. Each Illinois workNet Center has an operational plan that addresses how these services are accomplished.
  2. The Department of Human Services (DHS) provides services and activities for individuals with disabilities. DHS is partnered with the Illinois workNet and staff work with the WIOA client case managers, when necessary, to ensure WIOA services are made available. Through this cooperative partnership, evaluation of the clients’ employment capabilities, appropriate work environment, and identification and development of suitable job openings is accomplished. Employment counseling through DHS and LWIAs helps clients recognize vocational options, develop a plan to achieve employment goals, overcome barriers to employment, and adjust to the work environment. Job-ready individuals with disabilities receive consideration for suitable openings in the job matching process.


WIOA Section 188 - Administration, Nondiscrimination

775 ILCS 30 White Cane Law

USDOL Training and Employment Notice (TEN) No. 24-18, Updated Promising Practices in Achieving Nondiscrimination and Equal Opportunity: A Section 188 Disability Reference Guide (April 3, 2019)

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