Policy Chapters and Sections

Complaint Logs

Chapter: 10 Section: 6.5
Effective Date: 2/14/2017
Expiration Date: Continuing
Published Date: 12/29/2017 8:58:54 AM
Status: Rescinded
Version: 1

Tags: Disability, Equal Employment Opportunity, Nondiscrimination, EO, NDP

  1. DCEO maintains a confidential discrimination complaint log that includes:
    1. Complainant name and address;
    2. Grounds of the complaint;
    3. Description of the complaint;
    4. Date filed;
    5. Disposition and date; and
    6. Any other pertinent information. 
  2. As required, EOMC maintains the complaint log and actions taken on the complaints for a period of not less than three years from the date of the resolution of the complaint.  WIOA regulations grant authority to the CRC Director to require additional information to determine compliance with EO rules:
    1. Recipients must notify the CRC Director if an administrative action or lawsuit is filed against them alleging discrimination.
    2. Applicants and recipients must let the CRC Director know the name of any federal agency that has conducted an investigation and found the applicant or recipient to be in noncompliance with civil rights procedures if that investigation was within two years prior to the time the WIOA application was filed.