Policy Chapters and Sections

Chief Elected Official (CEO) Functions and Agreement Between Multiple Chief Elected Officials

Chapter: 1 Section: 2
Effective Date: 12/4/2015
Expiration Date: Continuing
Published Date: 6/14/2021 11:11:39 AM
Status: Current
Version: 1

Tags: CEO Agreement, Governance

  1. The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) vests local chief elected officials (CEOs) with significant authority to provide leadership in the development, operation and performance of local workforce development programs.  Under WIOA, local chief elected officials:
    1. Serve as grant recipient for WIOA funds or to designate an alternative entity as grant subrecipient or fiscal agent;  (Refer to the Chief Elected Official Delegation of Authority and Acknowledgment of Financial Liability section of the policy manual.)
    2. Assume financial liability for any grant funds determined to be misused or unallowable even when alternate grant subrecipients or fiscal agents are appointed;  (Refer to the Chief Elected Official Delegation of Authority and Acknowledgment of Financial Liability section of the policy manual.)
    3. Appoint members of local workforce innovation board; and
    4. Approve all significant actions of local workforce innovation board, including the board’s competitive selection of a one-stop center operator, the negotiated local memorandum of understanding, the board’s desire to provide career services prior to requesting approval from the Governor and the local workforce innovation board budget.
  2. WIOA also positions chief elected officials to consult with the Governor regarding significant structural, planning, operational and performance matters pertaining to the delivery of workforce services, including consultation related to:
    1. Designation of local areas;
    2. Identification of planning regions;
    3. Allocation of WIOA funds;
    4. The development of a Unified State Plan;
    5. Development of a reorganization plan for local workforce innovation board (LWIB), if an LWIB is decertified; and
    6. The operation and certification of local one-stop centers, including consultation with the Governor regarding policies related to and funding of one-stop center infrastructure costs.
  3. Under WIOA, chief elected officials are required to work in partnership with local workforce innovation boards to assure the local workforce system responds to the local needs of employers in sectors critical to the local and regional economies, including by:
    1. Developing a local plan that meets local workforce development needs and the requirements of WIOA;
    2. Engaging in regional planning with other chief elected officials and local workforce innovation boards designated by the Governor as being in the same region;
    3. In conjunction with the state, carrying  out statewide rapid response activities using funds reserved by the Governor, including additional assistance to local areas that experience disasters, mass layoffs, or plant closings, or other events that precipitate substantial increases in the number of unemployed individuals;
    4. Negotiating local performance accountability measures under WIOA;
    5. Establishing and operating a fiscal and management accountability information system based on guidelines established by the Secretary of Labor and Secretary of Education; and
    6. Conducting ongoing oversight of workforce development activities to assure appropriate management and use of funds and to maximize performance outcomes.
  4. Chief elected officials must periodically review all local agreements pertaining to the delivery of workforce development services within the local workforce innovation area.  All local agreements, including the CEO Agreement (if required) must comport with responsibilities WIOA defines for CEOs.
  5. Chief elected officials in local workforce innovation areas comprised of more than one unit of general local government are required to periodically review their existing CEO Agreement to ensure that it conforms to this policy.  If changes are necessary, a revised CEO Agreement should be forwarded to:

    Chief Elected Officials Agreement
    Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity
    Office of Employment and Training
    500 East Monroe Street – 9th Floor
    Springfield, Illinois 62701

  6. A checklist that outlines the required elements of the CEO Agreement as well as a suggested template accompanies this policy.