Counselors, Residential

Human Services > Counselors, Residential > Overview
Counselors, Residential

Counselors, Residential - Overview

Residential counselors care for the people who live in their building. They may also maintain the building.

Residential counselors support residents. They help with personal problems or problems with other residents. They plan activities for residents, such as:

  • Health and education programs
  • Learning skills workshops
  • Social functions
  • Study hours
  • Trips

Residential counselors may work at:

  • Boarding schools
  • College dorms
  • Fraternities
  • Sororities

Residential counselors may also work at care and treatment facilities. Most facilities specialize in one age group, such as adults or teenagers. Residential counselors may work with emotionally disturbed children or teenagers who have committed minor crimes or residents who have developmental disabilities.

Residential counselors work with health care staff and family members to understand residents' needs and background. They help set goals for clients to achieve. They help their clients to be as independent as possible. They teach skills in basic grooming and housekeeping.

Some counselors monitor the physical needs of residents. They make sure residents are taking their medications. They set up medical appointments and escort residents to them if they notice problems. They keep daily records of residents' activities.

Counselors may also have maintenance duties. They may hire and supervise people who clean the house. They may plan menus and do grocery shopping. Other duties include:

  • Answering phone calls
  • Assigning rooms
  • Ordering supplies
  • Sorting mail
Source: Illinois Career Information System (CIS) brought to you by Illinois Department of Employment Security.