Adjustment Clerks

Health Science > Adjustment Clerks > Preparation
Adjustment Clerks

Adjustment Clerks - Preparation

To work as a customer service representative, you typically need to:

  • have a high school diploma or equivalent; and
  • complete short-term, on-the-job training.

Education after high school

You must have at least a high school diploma to enter this occupation. Some representatives have a college degree. Depending on the employer, you may need an associate or bachelor's degree.

Speaking more than one language can be a plus. Language skills help you prepare to work for a company that trades internationally.

Work experience

Work in sales, reception, or as an information clerk is good preparation for this occupation.

On-the-job training

Most customer service representatives learn their skills on the job. As a new representative, your supervisor or an experienced coworker trains you. Some employers provide formal training programs within their company. In these programs you learn to use the company's computer system. You learn which standard forms to use and who to contact in other departments. You also learn about the company's product line and services. Training generally lasts about one month.

Source: Illinois Career Information System (CIS) brought to you by Illinois Department of Employment Security.