
Education and Training > Librarians > Overview

Librarians - Overview

Librarians organize materials in libraries and help people locate them.

The specific duties of librarians varies by the type of library they work in. Almost all librarians select, order, and classify library items. They make sure all books, magazines, and films are listed in the library's catalogs and they supervise other library staff.

Academic librarians

Academic librarians assist students, faculty, and stadd at postsecondary institutions. They help faculty and staff locate resources related to their courses and help students access information.

Administrative service librarians

Administrative service librarians manage libraries and prepare budgets. They may conduct fundraising activities for the library.

Public librarians

Public librarians work in their communities and help the general public. They help visitors find books to read and show them how to access the library's resources. They also plan community programs such as book clubs or story time for children.

School librarians

School librarians usually work in elementary, middle school, and high school libraries. They help teachers develop lesson plans and teach students how to use library resources.

Special librarians

Special librarians work in settings other than school or public libraries. They are associated with businesses, government agencies, law firms, and other specialized groups. Librarians at private libraries conduct in-depth information searches for library users in addition to running the library.

Technical services

Technical services librarians order and receive materials. They arrange materials in a way that makes them easy for visitors to find.

User services

User services librarians teach patrons how to use library resources. They help visitors access and search the library database.

Source: Illinois Career Information System (CIS) brought to you by Illinois Department of Employment Security.