Marriage and Family Therapists

Human Services > Marriage and Family Therapists > Overview
Marriage and Family Therapists

Marriage and Family Therapists - Overview

Marriage and family therapists help individuals, couples, and families deal with emotional problems.

Marriage and family therapists meet with individuals and groups. They help clients identify conflicts and problem behaviors and help them to learn new ways of coping with problems.

Marriage and family therapists work with:

  • Children
  • Adults
  • Couples
  • Families

In many cases, therapists help people learn new ways of communicating so that they can express their feelings in a healthy manner.

Marriage and family therapists review records and interview clients. They sometimes observe them interacting. Together, the therapist and client develop a plan or strategies for handling a conflict or emotions.

Sometimes therapists consult other therapists, counselors, doctors, or social workers, depending on the situation.

Therapists may refer patients to support services such as medical evaluation and treatment, social services, and employment services. They often refer addicts to support groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous.

Therapists work in a private practice. They also provide treatment in a variety of settings including:

  • Private and public treatment centers
  • Community-based behavioral health agencies

They prepare and maintain written records and case files. They also attend conferences and read journals to keep their skills up to date. Some therapists supervise beginning therapists.

Source: Illinois Career Information System (CIS) brought to you by Illinois Department of Employment Security.