Supply Chain Managers

Business Management and Administration > Supply Chain Managers > Overview
Supply Chain Managers

Supply Chain Managers - Overview

Supply chain managers coordinate and plan the steps necessary to make and sell a product.

Supply chain managers control the supply needs of companies and organizations. They analyze inventory, storage, and transportation needs to make sure they have enough stock on hand. Supply chain managers also handle new product launches. This means they design, test, and adjust supply chains to prepare for new products.

Managers look at the flow of business processes to make sure they work efficiently. Product tracking computer systems let them do this more efficiently. They talk with various workers, from drivers to purchasers to budget analysts, to see what their needs are and how to improve work processes.

Managers forecast future trends for their company to predict changes. For example, if raw material prices go up, they may create plans to keep costs down by using alternative materials.

Some products pollute when people dispose of them. Managers may find less toxic materials to make these products. Or, they may find ways for stores to take products back and recycle them. They may also work with storage and transportation companies to help reduce the environmental impact of storing and shipping products and supplies.

Source: Illinois Career Information System (CIS) brought to you by Illinois Department of Employment Security.