Credit Counselors

Human Services > Credit Counselors > Overview
Credit Counselors

Credit Counselors - Overview

Credit counselors help customers manage and pay down their debt.

Credit counselors usually work with people who have too much debt compared to their income. They often work with people who may need to declare bankruptcy or even lose their home.

Credit counselors look at a client's:

  • Income
  • Assets
  • Expenses
  • Credit report
  • Debt

This helps them develop reasonable budgets and a payment plan that customers can easily follow.

To help clients, credit counselors often negotiate with banks and credit card companies to reduce payments or interest rates. They may also set up special loans to help clients pay back what they owe.

To do this work, counselors work one-on-one to review financial information in detail. Much of their job involves teaching clients about housing programs, credit cards, financial information, and budgeting techniques.

Credit counselors sometimes handle payments themselves. They keep written records of payment plans, budgets, and reports.

Source: Illinois Career Information System (CIS) brought to you by Illinois Department of Employment Security.