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Turf and Turfgrass Management - Helpful Information

Things to know

If your school does not offer internships or some other type of supervised work experience, you should seek one out on your own. An internship may lead to employment or better job prospects and recommendations.

A certificate or associate degree in turf and turfgrass management typically qualifies you for entry-level technician or assistant positions in the industry. Earning a bachelor's degree usually prepares you for a higher level position, especially when combined with an internship.

If you want to study at the graduate level, you can sometimes pursue a graduate degree in a field such as plant science or crop and soil science, and specialize in turfgrass management. Graduate work prepares you for a career of academic or industry research or for teaching at the university level.

For information about farm occupations, opportunities, and 4-H activities, contact your local county extension service office.

Source: Illinois Career Information System (CIS) brought to you by Illinois Department of Employment Security.
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