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Real Estate - Helpful Information

Things to know

The preparation time for the real estate sale agent's licensing exam is fairly short. That means that a lot of people get this license and there is a lot of competition for clients who are buying or selling homes. Only a small number of sales agents establish a successful career. A degree in this field will give you other skills that can help you find work if your career in real estate sales does not take off.

In the degree programs, you learn spreadsheet and database software. It can be helpful to learn this software before you begin the program.

Business courses in high school can be useful preparation for a career in real estate. However, if you intend to enter a degree program, you should take only a few, so that your high school transcript shows that you are preparing for a demanding college-level program.

Source: Illinois Career Information System (CIS) brought to you by Illinois Department of Employment Security.
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