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Social Work - Helpful Information

Things to know

You can do many things in high school and college to gain social work experience. It is a good idea to volunteer at community organizations and social service agencies.

Graduates from social work programs receive a B.S.W., or Bachelor's of Social Work.

Most states require you to become licensed or certified to become a practicing social worker. You must meet certain criteria regarding education and fieldwork experience. Often you must pass an exam.

Some schools combine sociology and social work into a single bachelor's degree program. Other schools combine criminal justice and social work into a single bachelor's degree program.

If you want to become a counselor, supervisor, or administrator, you almost always have to get a master's degree in social work.

Often you can combine graduate study in social work with other graduate programs, such as nursing, law, public health, or education.

Source: Illinois Career Information System (CIS) brought to you by Illinois Department of Employment Security.
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