Animal Breeders

Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources > Animal Breeders > Wages & Trends
Animal Breeders

Animal Breeders - Wages & Trends

Wages vary by the type of animal bred. Earnings for small animal breeders are limited. For instance, breeders who raise and sell pedigreed puppies may earn only a few hundred dollars per year after expenses. Some breeders supplement their incomes by managing boarding kennels or stables.

Large animal breeders who work for large operations generally earn more than those who work for small operations. Bigger farms can raise animals more efficiently and at a lower cost.

Animal breeders who work full time may receive benefits. Typical benefits include sick leave, paid vacation, and health insurance. 

Animal breeders (SOC 45-2021)
Pay Period
Illinois Wage data for this occupation are not available.
United States Hourly $19.22 $22.86 $29.48
Yearly $39,980 $47,540 $61,330

Source: Illinois Career Information System (CIS) brought to you by Illinois Department of Employment Security.