Theater Attendants

Hospitality and Tourism > Theater Attendants > Overview
Theater Attendants

Theater Attendants - Overview

Ticket takers collect tickets from those who attend events. Ushers help people locate their seats.

Ticket takers and ushers typically work at:

  • Arenas
  • Stadiums
  • Theaters

Ticket takers stand at entrances and collect tickets. They examine tickets' color, date, and other markings to make sure they are real. Ticket takers rip off part of the ticket and return the stub to the patron. At some events, they give return passes to patrons who leave the event. Ticket takers count and record the number of tickets they collect.

Ushers check ticket stubs and direct or escort people to their seats. They also distribute programs. Ushers answer patrons' questions and help them find refreshments, telephones, and restrooms. At some events, ushers and ticket takers sell snacks and beverages during breaks.

Ticket takers and ushers both maintain security at events. Ticket takers turn away people who have fake tickets. They monitor people as they enter. They may refuse to let in people who are disorderly or drunk. Ushers permit only authorized people to enter the press box. Like ticket takers, ushers monitor the conduct of people at the event. They may speak to patrons who are being rowdy, or contact a security officer for help.

Ushers and ticket takers may help janitorial staff clean up after events. They may also help other workers set up advertising and other information displays before events.

Source: Illinois Career Information System (CIS) brought to you by Illinois Department of Employment Security.