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Clinical Psychology - Helpful Information

Things to know

For independent practice as a clinical psychologist, you need to be licensed by your state. Requirements vary. Usually you need a doctorate from a program approved by the American Psychological Association, plus at least two years of supervised professional experience. You also need to pass an exam. See the web site of the American Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards for detailed information.

Some grad schools offer the Ph.D. degree; others offer the Psy.D. degree. The Ph.D. program usually places greater emphasis on research. Ph.D. programs typically take five or six years beyond the bachelor's, partly because of the time it takes to do research for and write a dissertation. The Psy.D. program places greater emphasis on turning out clinical practitioners, so it may not require a dissertation, and therefore it also may take less time. However, the Ph.D. program may offer more opportunity for you to work as a research assistant.

You may be unclear about the difference between a clinical psychologist and a psychiatrist. A psychiatrist has completed medical school and can prescribe medications.

In many states clinical psychologists are trying to get the laws changed to allow them to prescribe drugs. So far, this movement is only in its infancy.

Source: Illinois Career Information System (CIS) brought to you by Illinois Department of Employment Security.
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