Policy Chapters and Sections

Primary Steps in Rapid Response

Chapter: 9 Section: 1.5
Effective Date: 1/8/2020
Expiration Date: Continuing
Published Date: 4/29/2021 3:32:43 PM
Status: Current
Version: 2

Tags: Rapid Response, IEBS

The state- or local-level coordinator shall be responsible for ensuring the five (5) primary steps in Rapid Response are taken for each dislocation event.  These are summarized below and the mandatory process is described in detail in the Rapid Response Procedures Manual attachment.  (See the Attachments tab.)

  1. Rapid Response is most often initiated by a “WARN notice,” a federal requirement of employers who are planning layoffs, or through the filing of a petition under the Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) Program, which helps workers whose employment is affected as a result of foreign trade.
    1. Both State and local workforce staff must be informed of the event and, depending on the size of the impending layoffs, a team at the appropriate level is mobilized.
  2. If circumstances permit, Rapid Response team members should share background information and agree on a response plan and point person to lead the teams.
    1. The WARN Act requires that Initial contact be made within forty-eight (48) hours.
  3. The team schedules an initial meeting with the employer and union or employee representative(s) to understand the circumstances of the layoffs and discuss available resources.
    1. An important goal of the initial meeting is to schedule dates for outreach meeting(s) to inform workers of resources available to assist them in re-employment.
  4. As soon as practical after the meeting with the employer, an outreach meeting is scheduled with the dislocated workers so they may be informed of all available resources available to help them with re-employment.
    1. This meeting should occur at the employment site or a nearby location during working hours or another time convenient to the employees to facilitate attendance and participation.
    2. The dislocated workers shall be asked to complete a short survey to provide information about their current work, employment plans, and needed assistance.
  5. The final step of Rapid Response is to develop and implement an effective Plan for Services in consultation with the employer and employee/union representative.
    1. Information collected from the surveys will help guide the provision of career and training services and referral to other partners for additional services.
    2. Rapid Response team members, in consultation with the employer and employee/union representative, shall participate in developing a Plan for Services.  At a minimum, the Plan for Services must include the following:
      1. The role of each Rapid Response team member;
      2. A matrix of the specific services that will be provided to workers and any special service arrangements;
      3. The timeline for services to be carried out;
      4. The funding sources to cover the cost of the dislocation event;
      5. Performance goals; and
      6. An outreach strategy for informing affected workers of the services available to them and conducting formal intake.

WIOA Final Rules, Part 682, Subpart C - Rapid response activities

USDOL Training and Employment Notice (TEN) No. 32-11, Rapid Response Self-Assessment Tool (March 1, 2012)

USDOL Training and Employment Notice (TEN) No. 31-11, The Rapid Response Framework (March 1, 2012)

USDOL Training and Employment Guidance Letter (TEGL) No. 19-16, Guidance on Services provided through the Adult and Dislocated Worker Programs under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) and the Wagner-Peyser Act Employment Service (ES), as amended by title III of WIOA, and for Implementation of the WIOA Final Rules (March 01, 2017)

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