Policy Chapters and Sections

State Laws Ban Discrimination

Chapter: 10 Section: 5.2
Effective Date: 2/15/2019
Expiration Date: Continuing
Published Date: 9/9/2020 11:31:52 AM
Status: Current
Version: 2

Tags: EO, Disability, Equal Employment Opportunity, Nondiscrimination, NDP, NDP

  1. WIOA required that states offer a range of different job training, education and other human resource programs through their service delivery systems. DCEO adheres to Section 188 of WIOA, which bars discrimination from programs, services and employment based on a disability. Illinois workforce systems emphasize the need to provide services to individuals with disabilities, must be alongside – not segregated from – people without disabilities, to the greatest extent possible. Among the types of discrimination prohibited by these regulations on the grounds of disability are:

    1. Denying a qualified individual with a disability the opportunity to participate in or benefit from aid, services or training;

    2. Affording a qualified individual with a disability an opportunity to participate in or benefit from the aid, services, or training that is not equal to that afforded others;

    3. Providing a qualified individual with a disability with an aid, service or training that is not as effective in affording equal opportunity to obtain the same result, to gain the same benefit, or to reach the same level of achievement as that provided to others;

    4. Providing different, segregated or separate aid, services, or training to individuals with disabilities unless such action is necessary to provide qualified individuals with disabilities with aid, services or training that are as effective as those provided to others;

    5. Denying a qualified individual with a disability the opportunity to participate as a member of planning or advisory boards; or

    6. Otherwise limiting a qualified individual with a disability in enjoyment of any right, privilege, advantage, or opportunity enjoyed by others receiving any aid, benefit, service, or training.

  2. In addition, DCEO provides reasonable accommodations to qualified individuals with disabilities in all aspects of its programs, services and activities. Accommodations may include, but are not limited to, qualified sign language interpreters, readers, auxiliary aids, and alternate formats. Reasonable modifications in policies, practices, or procedures are made, when necessary, to avoid discrimination based on disability, unless making the modifications would result in an undue hardship on the Agency (i.e., unreasonable cost or would fundamentally alter the nature of the service, program, or activity).

  3. Finally, the State WIOA EO Officer provides guidance to staff and recipients regarding disability requirements of applicable Federal and State laws and regulations.


WIOA Section 188 - Administration, Nondiscrimination

775 ILCS 30 White Cane Law

USDOL Training and Employment Notice (TEN) No. 24-18, Updated Promising Practices in Achieving Nondiscrimination and Equal Opportunity: A Section 188 Disability Reference Guide (April 3, 2019)

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